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Latest News from the ORAK team

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# Article Title Hits
1 ORAK GDPR Drive and ORAK GDPR Assistant - Your assistant for GDPR 18240
2 Orak's products are ready for GDPR! 17470
4 StartUp Weekend hosted by ORAK 18387
5 Summer internship 2017/2018 20790
6 Two new gold medals for Orak Engineering for the development of cloud platforms 17976
7 ORAK R6 E-CAMPUS and ORAK R6 SMART REGISTRY with gold medals at the International Fair Plovdiv 2013 15199
8 Orak celebrated its sixteenth birthday with jazz session and pleasant company 18689
9 Two gold medals for Orak at Plovdiv Fair 2012 18512
10 Orak Group is now a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria 17140
11 ORAK with three golden awards from Plovdiv International Fair 2011 21003
12 ORAK presents its new global product 25360
13 ORAK continues working actively on projects financing small and medium-sized enterprises by operational programme “competitiveness” 19887
14 and ORAK R6 with direct connection 19739
15 The Prime Minister of Bulgaria awarded ORAK with the Sustainable Innovation award 19981
16 ORAK – The most innovative company at eCommerceAcademy 19383
17 ORAK at eCommerce Academy 19829
18 ORAK at the CES in Las Vegas 19685
19 Затъмняваща погледа промоция по повод слънчевото затъмнение 16995
20 Teodosii Spassov dedicated a jazz session to ORAK Engineering 19175
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